Crooked in how many places?


Eight Angle CollageLegend tells us that the Sage Astavakra angered his father while he was still in his mother’s womb.  In retaliation, his father cursed him and the result was being born into a body crooked in eight places.

The yoga pose dedicated to this sage, Astavakrasana or Eight-Angle Pose, does indeed seem to be an impossibly crooked position for the body at first glance.  However, as Sage Astavakra tells us, “If you think you are free, You are free. If you think you are bound, You are bound.”

Let’s follow Astavakra’s sage advice and let go of whatever limitations we perceive in ourselves and find the freedom to soar into Eight-Angle pose! I’ll see you Friday at Towson Yoga Works from 2-3pm!






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