Benefits of Acupuncture
The benefits of Acupuncture are far-reaching. Although it is said that: “Traditional Acupuncture does not treat symptoms; it treats people,” the World Health Organization of the U.N. lists over 40 symptoms that acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating. Some of the common difficulties for which people seek acupuncture, are:
allergies/asthma/sinusitis | gynecology |
addiction | headaches/migraines |
anxiety/depression/stress | high blood pressure |
arthritis/joint problems | immune deficiency |
back pain/sciatica | insomnia |
carpal tunnel syndrome | menopause |
chemotherapy side effects | neck pain/stiffness |
colds/flu | pediatrics |
cough | pregnancy support |
diabetes | sports injury/traumatic injury |
fatigue | TMJ |
fertility | stroke rehabilitation |
fibromyalgia | weight loss |
gastrointestinal disorders |