Third Day of Gratitude

Third Day of Gratitude

Third Day of Gratitude

My grandfather, John Capparella, 92. US Army. On the beach at Normandy on D-Day. Shot twice. Acupuncture for knee pain, his one and only complaint.

I am grateful for my country, the incredible freedoms it allows me, and those who so selflessly fought, and continue to fight, for those freedoms.

Yes, I know there are criticisms about our country and government. We are far from perfect. But not a single day goes by that I don’t think about the fact that, as a woman and a citizen of the USA, I am allowed to vote, to get an education, to own a business, to leave my home without a male family member. Because these are privileges we have had for my entire lifetime, it would be easy to take them for granted. I am grateful for, and forever in debt to, all who have fought for and protected these freedoms.

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