Intention or Resolution?

It’s that time of year again when everyone is talking about their resolutions for the new year.  relaxed-effort-fbIn my experience, like life and our best laid plans, our journey toward goals we have set often takes many twists, turns, dead ends and short cuts.  This makes the journey toward achieving, or not achieving, our goals just as important as the goal itself.

This year I propose setting an intention, a sankalpa, rather than making a resolution.  To me, a resolution brings to mind a fixed, hard-and-fast goal somewhere in the future.  An intention feels more fluid, able to morph or be molded to fit the present moment. And then again in the next present moment.  I feel that an intention allows us to be softer with ourselves, allowing us to pursue our goals and dreams with relaxed effort rather than racing toward our goals as if a drill sergeant is on our heels barking insults and demands.  Don’t get me wrong- the drill sergeant approach can be effective.  But, given the choice, which journey toward your goals would you chose? A stressful experience that tends toward self criticism or a journey of relaxed effort that allows you to enjoy each moment, set backs and achievements alike?

Let’s continue to explore our sankalpa this Friday from 2-3pm at Towson Yoga Works. Peacefully ring in 2017 with a community hot vinyasa yoga class!

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